Imperative as root infinitive analogue in Yemeni Ibbi Arabic: Two case studies


  • Fawaz Qasem Department of English, Bisha University, Al-Namaas, Saudi Arabia
  • Shruti Sircar Department of Linguistics & Contemporary English, EFL University, Hyderabad, India


Acquisition of verbal inflection, the imperative form, root infinitive analogue, Yemeni Ibbi Arabic


The paper shows that children acquiring Yemeni Ibbi Arabic4 (henceforth referred to as YIA) go through a stage equivalent to the Root Infinitive (RI) stage found in non-null subject languages in spite of the fact that YIA is a null subject and does not have an infinitive construction. Spontaneous speech of two YIA children (2;1-2;11) showed presence of verbal inflections in 85-90% contexts. However, in a few cases, imperative forms occur in place of tensed forms, and indicate modal irrealis interpretation. We argue that the imperative form is therefore a Root Infinitive Analogue (RIA). The paper also provides evidence for a universal tendency to use non-finite forms in early stages of language development. 




How to Cite

Qasem, F., & Sircar, S. (2017). Imperative as root infinitive analogue in Yemeni Ibbi Arabic: Two case studies. Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(1), 1–19. Retrieved from